Be Our Guest at AITP Atlanta's 11th Annual CIO Roundtable Event.

See how CIOs just like you are helping their businesses adapt and thrive.

As businesses increasingly rely on technology to produce strategic outcomes, the role of the CIO is evolving. Collaborating with LOB leaders, deploying sales and marketing technology, and constant innovation brings new challenges and exciting ROI for the business and its customers.

Join CIOs from a diverse set of industries as they share successes and failures in: talent, sourcing, tech stack management, integration, cloud security, and more. 

CIO Roundtable Panelists

  • Becky Blalock, former CIO of Southern Company & Author of DARE (Moderator)
  • Jun Ying, CIO, Equifax
  • Marty Smith, CIO, GreenSky Financial
  • Nicole Monroe, CIO, Porter, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs
  • Phil Ventimiglia, CIO, Georgia State University
  • Stan Kubis, CIO, Boys & Girls Club of America
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